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If you've ever asked: "Why is there so much bloodshed in The Old Testament?" or "Why  are there so many genealogies in The Bible? " these resources will be of help. They'll explain how  scientific and social events (currently developing), were foretold in The Bible. And for a more precise view of this information ,click over the  button below for a video outline on these topics.  You are (HIGHLY) encouraged to click the underlined / colored words.  INCREASE your faith in The Word of GOD...And THE GOD of The Word!!

Even before the beginning of time there is A War. GOD's seed fights  Satan's over the control of The World as well as  its inhabitants. Yet only GOD is entitled to overcome. And HE will  utterly destroy HIS foe at the end of time!!


These materials will give you a BIBLICAL explanation on:

1.  Why GOD destroyed ALL PEOPLE on Earth in The Days Of Noah with exception of 8 "Genetically Intact" Humans.
2.  Why GOD Himself chose EVERY "Genetically Intact Animal" to be placed inside the ark (with Noah and his family), while allowing the death of all other life (genetically corrupted in The Deluge.
3. Why GOD called Noah "A man whose generations were found perfect". (Also recommended)
4. Why was Joshua Divinely commissioned to destroy every woman, man, child and beast in the Land of Canaan (as it was being conquered).
5. The identity of "The Sons of GOD" ---as initially taught by The Church Fathers--- and why most (if not ALL)---  ancient civilizations include accounts of Giants, Animal/Human creatures, as well as oral tradition mentioning "Demi-gods" and Dragons in their legends; which are also accounted for in The Bible; in archaeology; as well  as in other Secular Accounts. Read also Genesis 6.
6. Why JESUS said that: "(the last days) would be as "The Days of Noah", and why He spoke to the Chained Spirits in The Abbadon.
7. Explains who (or what) were The Nephillim or Watchers, why preachers never speak about them today  and how their negligence impacts you & your loved ones.

8. Also explains the prophecy in Daniel 12:4, on  the "advancement of science" in "The Last Days"; as well as The Evolutionist's plot to cover the archaeological evidence on Giants.

9. And above all..You'll see how GOD glorified Himself by destroying the Nephillim in spite of their great size.

You'll also find out in which ways the "DNA Recoding Movement" ("Transgenics / Trans-humanist Movement") is related to "The Mark Of The Beast", as prophesied in Revelation 13.

Supporters of Old on "The Angelic View " (Genesis 6:1-5) :

1. Peter 2. Jude , 3. The Church Fathers:

a. Philo Of Alexandria    b. Lactantius

c. Julian   d. Justin Martyr  e. Iraeneus

f. Athenagoras g. Tertullian  h. Ambrose

4. Old Rabbinical Books: a. Talmud

b. Midrash c. Zohar  5. Flavius Josephus

Modern Scholars and Scientists In Favor Of "The Angelic View" on  Genesis 6:1-5


1. A. W. Pink                          14. Dr. Jacques Vallee

2. Donald G. Barnhouse     15. Dr. Stephen Yulish

3. G. H. Pember                    16. Dr. J. Allen  Hynek

4. Merryl Unger                   17. Dr. John Mack

5. Dr. Henry Morris             18. Dr. David Jacobs

6. Dr. Carl Baught               19. Dr. Doug Hamp

7. C. H. McIntosh                20. Dr. Joe Jordan

8. F. D. Delitzch                   21. Dr. M.R. De Haan

9. A. C. Gaebelein               22. Dr. Lehman Strauss

10. W. F. Albright                23. Dr. Michael Heiser

11. F. J. Dake

12. John Walvoord

13. Arnold Fruchtembaum

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